According to Donald Miller the creator of StoryBrand – if you are not talking about your customers problems, you will have a hard time selling anything
“Make it very clear what your ideal clients problem is and how you solve it, and then you will attract customers”
Your website’s job is to connect your product to your customers problem
Donald has a few websites that are super helpful for small business:
- 5 minute marketing makeover
He talks about passing the grunt test – put your website unto the lap of a caveman and in 5 secs can they understand what you do?
Your website has to do 3 things: what are you offering, how will it help me (the ideal client) and what do I need to do to buy it (buy, book, download, schedule)?
7-Step Story Brand Framework
- #1: A Character
- #2: Has a Problem
- #3: And Meets a Guide
- #4: Who Gives Them a Plan
- #5: And Calls Them to Action
- #6: That Helps Them Avoid Failure – give them a vision for what life looks for when they buy your product
- #7: And Ends in a Success